Healthy Me

These learning experiences have been designed to teach children the importance of healthy living and the role that diet plays in long term health. Children are given the opportunity to learn how food is sourced, looking at its growth to our plates. Children will also be given an insight into the different career opportunities in the health sector.

Dance And Drama Workshops

EYFS-Y6- all Key Stages

Our Dance and Drama workshops are delivered in school for 4 consecutive weeks. Devising, making and creating through a series of workshops, children will learn many key skills in the craft of performing arts leading to a final performance of work for peers, parents, staff and stakeholders. Impact Theatre brings a wealth of experience in musical theatre to your school through the 3 main disciplines of theatre craft: Acting, Singing and Dance.

Ladies In Pigs Workshops

EYFS-Y6- all Key Stages

We partner with Ladies in Pigs who deliver engaging sessions in school regarding where food comes from, sustainable farming and animal welfare.



ONE DAY PLAY is a unique experience for primary schools in Hull and East Yorkshire. A chance for children to experience the professional theatre making process, in just one day. ONE DAY PLAY platforms children's imaginations, builds confidence, develops literacy skills, and raises career aspirations through opening up the theatre making process at a formative age. Offering the chance to work in a professional theatre space with professional theatre makers, this project will contribute to a schools Artsmark Award. Delivered in partnership with The Herd.

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